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Andrews-Royster House 

In April of 2017, the Shelby Historic Foundation purchased the Andrews-Royster home located at 417 S Washington Street. Since that time, we have gained more knowledge about this home than we ever thought we would. 

Located on a beautiful historic Shelby street, The Andrews-Royster home boasts a Colonial Revival portico, unique concrete shingles, and beautiful brick, but we now know it was not always this way. 

Dr. William Perry Andrews, Shelbys first surgeon, built his home on S. Washington Street in 1858.  This insightful diary entry, written in 1938 by Sue Andrews, Dr. Andrews' granddaughter, details the rooms and memories of the original home: 

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Andrews-Royster House, current floor plan, with original plan outlined in red.

"The entrance to the house was a small porch with four small double columns... Through the center of the house was a small narrow hall. Steep stairs led to the second floor. On the right of the hallways was the parlor, a large sunny room with windows facing east and west and two south on each side of the chimney... Two large oil paintings and family photographs hung on the plain white walls... To the left of the hall was a large bed room...From a door in the dining room, at the back, a walk of planks led to the kitchen (about 15 feet) which was a small house itself."


Sue Andrews, diary entry from 1938

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Andrews-Royster House, current floor plan.


Exterior painting of the Andrews-Royster house as it was originally built.

Once the home was purchased by the Royster family in 1921, extensive exterior remodels took place. The chimney's were rebuilt, brick covered the white clapboard, and side porches were added. While no major exterior renovations have transpired since then, we can only assume interior renovations have occurred, adding bathrooms and other modern comforts.


Much of the south east corner of the home was added sometime in the mid 20th century, as the interior suggests mid century modern design. 


The Historic Shelby Foundation's goal is to ready the Andrews-Royster home for sale and pass it along to someone who will restore, maintain, and care for the home. 

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